III.Form an active and passive sentence using the groups of words provided below. Ex. Leonardo da Vinci / paint/ the Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
1. John Wilkes Booth / kill/ President Lincoln/ 1865 hon
2. Alexander Graham Bell/ invent/ the telephone,
3. John Lennon / compose / the song "Imagine"
4. Tsunami/ kill/ many people/ in Indonesia.
5. William Shakespeare/ write/ Hamlet
6. The Allies/defeat Germany/ in 1945.​

Répondre :

Réponse :

Bonsoir, alors pour que tu comprennes comment les écrire à la forme passive tu dois savoir que c'est comme en français lorsqu'on dit par exemple : "Il a été mordu par le chien", et non pas "Le chien l'a mordu"

C'est ça la forme passive

1. The president Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth in 1865

2. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell

3. The song "Imagine" was composed by John Lennon

4. Many people were killed by the Tsunami in Indonesia

5. Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare

6. Germany was defeated by the Allies in 1945

Voilà j'espère t'avoir aidé,
