35. Complète ces nouvelles avec des verbes à la voix
passive. Attention au temps!
a. Yesterday, seven heads of state (host) ... in Camp
David by the American president.
b. Next year, more than 30,000 unemployed people
(offer) a job thanks to this new government
c. In the past, the Welsh language (ignore) ... by the
authorities. But today, pupils (teach) ... their nation's
traditional language in schools all over Wales.
d. Elton John (give) a knighthood in 1998. He is now
Sir Elton John.
e. 40,000 people ... every year in car accidents in the
USA. Something (must/do) ...!

merci d’avance

Répondre :


Réponse :

passive. BE ( au temps voulu ) + participe passé

Attention au temps!

a. Yesterday, seven heads of state were hosted in CampDavid by the American president.

b. Next year, more than 30,000 unemployed people will be offered a job thanks to this new governmentprogramme.

c. In the past, the Welsh language was ignored by theauthorities. But today, pupils are taught their nation'straditional language in schools all over Wales.

d. Elton John was given a knighthood in 1998. He is now Sir Elton John.

e. 40,000 people are killed every year in car accidents in theUSA. Something must be done!

Explications :

Phrase e. Il manquait le premier verbe. J'ai utilisé "kill" qui me semble approprié.