3. Construis des questions au prétérit simple à partir des éléments proposés.

a. What / you/say/about/ this student

b. Who /they/ gossip / about

c. When/she/start/ the rumour

d. Why/you/do / that

Répondre :

Réponse :

a. What did you say about this student ?

b. Who did they gossip about ?

c. When did she start the rumour ?

d. Why did you do that ?

et voila !

Bonjour ,

Oublis pas la politesse

a. What / you/say/about/ this student

 What did you say about this student ?

b. Who /they/ gossip / about

Who did they gossip about ?

c. When/she/start/ the rumour

When did she start the rumour ?

d. Why/you/do / that

Why did you do that ?