Salut, j'ai besoin d'aide pour mes devoirs. Mon devoir est dans les pièces jointes.

Salut Jai Besoin Daide Pour Mes Devoirs Mon Devoir Est Dans Les Pièces Jointes class=
Salut Jai Besoin Daide Pour Mes Devoirs Mon Devoir Est Dans Les Pièces Jointes class=

Répondre :

yourself                                                                    there's there

yourselves                                                               their they're there

yours you                                                                 their theirs

yours you                                                                 theirs their                                                     

yourself                                                                   they their they                                             

you your


the most

as surprided as

well, fast, the greatest    sup

least talented      sup

more talented  comp

less troublesome   comp


do footballers earn to much money

as a professional footballer David earns 5m euros a year

sports people that I have met detest violence

the website that we have created includes interviews and games