Répondre :
I am I have got
You are You have got
He is He has got
She is She has got
It is It has got
We are We have got
You are You have got
They are They have got
I'm I've got
You're You've got
He's He's got
She's She's got
It's It's got
We're We've got
You're You've got
They're They've got
ATTENTION : Ne pas confondre
he's (he is) et he's got (he has got)
she's (she is) et she's got (she has got)
it's (it is) et it's got (it has got)
have got veut dire en quelque sorte avoir blablabla donc on l'utilise pour montrer que quelqu'un a quelque chose, detient quelque chose
be est le verbe être en français donc s'emploie comme le verbe etre
voilà :)