Répondre :
- Good morning Madam
- Good morning
- It's possible to send this postcard in America?
- Yes, of course! For what name?
- So it's ________________
- Oh my God! It's a long name !
- Yes, sometimes people say it.
- Can you spell it, please?
- Yes, of course
- And what is the destination?
- This is to my cousin Elena, she lives in California.
- And why you sent to she this postcard?
- It's her birthday, she will be 26 years old.
- Okay, but there is a small problem
- Oh! What's the problem?
- You've forgotten to buy a stamp.
- Ah yes of course , I'm an idiot! And how many it cost ?
- 2 livres and 85 cents
- Please (gives money)
- Thank you and goodbye
- Wait wait
- What 't there yet?
- But you have not paid for the postcard!
- Oh sorry! I'm really sorry
- No, it's nothing! It will cost 10 pounds and 55 cents
- There is
- Thank you. Goodbye Madam!
- Goodbye I hope I have not forgotten anything this time.
- No, no, do not worry! (Hahahaha) Bye Madam!
- Thank you!