Répondre :
1- has got
2- have got
3- has got
4- have got
5- has got
7- have got
8- has got
9- have got
Pour la 3e personne du singulier (il ; elle) tu dois écrire has got et le reste c’est have got.
2- have got
3- has got
4- have got
5- has got
7- have got
8- has got
9- have got
Pour la 3e personne du singulier (il ; elle) tu dois écrire has got et le reste c’est have got.
Réponse :
Use has got or have got
1 Anita has got a computer.
2 Anita and Carl have got cassette recorders
3 Carl has got a bicycle
4 Rosie and Anita have got mobile phones.
5 Mike has got a football.
5 Anita has got a cassette recorder.
7 Mike and Rosie have got cameras.
3 Carl has got a mobile phone.
9 Rosie and Mike have got computers
Use hasn't got or haven't got
1 Anita hasn't got a computer.
2 Anita and Carl haven't got cassette recorders
3 Carl hasn't got a bicycle
4 Rosie and Anita haven't got mobile phones.
5 Mike hasn't got a football.
6 Anita hasn't got a cassette recorder.
7 Mike and Rosie haven't got cameras.
3 Carl hasn't got a mobile phone.
9 Rosie and Mike haven't got computers
Explication :
Si tu as des images, tu dois utiliser l'une ou l'autre des réponses ( affirmative ou négative )