Répondre :
A conjuguer le verbe entre parenthèses soit :
- prétérit simple / - prétérit en be+ - ing / - pluperfect ou past perfect
A-Yesterday night , Cindy was doing (do) her homework with her friend Germain in the kitchen when , suddenly, the lights (go off) went off.
B- Germain was (be ) so afraid that he began ( begin) to cry.
C- Cindy heard (hear ) a scream upstairs . While she was climbing (climb) the stairs to her bedroom, she saw (see) a man at the window. He was certainly a gangster .
D- She remembered the night before she had read (read ) in the newspapers that two men had escaped (escape) from prison .(past perfect)
E- There was (be) a knife in the man’s hand and he was smiling (smile ) viciously.
F- Oh my God! She immediately thought (think) about poor Germain downstairs and decided (decide) to save his life
le prétérit simple ==>
pour des actions passées, soudaines, courtes et terminées.
le prétérit en be+ -ing ===>
Pour des actions passées qui étaient en cours, en train de se faire (souvent interrompues par une action au prétérit simple)
le pluperfect ou past perfect==>
Pour des actions passées antérieures à celles au prétérit, qui se sont passées avant celles énoncées au prétérit
sujet + had + participe passé
bonne journée ☺☺☺