Répondre :
Bonjour !
If I was in jail you'd spring me
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long
If I was in pain you'd sing me soothing songs
If I was hungry you would feed me
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light
If I was a book you'd read me every night.
Réponse :
Associate each beginning with its end.
If I was in jail → you'd spring me
( to spring someone : libérer ...)
If I was a telephone → you'd ring me all day long
( to ring : appeler; téléphoner )
If I was in pain → you'd sing me soothing songs
( soothing : apaisantes )
If I was hungry → you would feed me
( to feed : nourrir )
If I was in darkness → you would lead me to the light
( to lead : mener, conduire . light : lumière )
If I was a book → you'd read me every night