Répondre :
a. my grandma's new neighbours made too much noise last night.
b. Today's young people love old pop music.
c. Anna's guitar is a replica of Éric Clapton's one.
d. The brothers' songs were all hits.
Reformule les passages soulignés à l'aide d'un génitif.
a. The new neighbours of my grandma made too much noise last night.
My grandma's new neighbours made too much noise last night.
b. The young people that live today love old pop music.
Today's young people love old pop music.
c. The guitar that belongs to Anna is a replica of the one that belonged to Eric Clapton.
Anna's guitar is a replica of Eric Clapton's one.
d. The songs that were performed by the brothers were all hits.
The brothers' songs were all hits.
le génitif
possesseur singulier + 's + chose possédée
the car of my mother = My mother's car
même chose avec un pluriel irrégulier =>
the cat of my children = my children's cat
possesseur pluriel + ' + chose possédée
The house of my parents = my parents' house. (on ne met que l'apostrophe)
Bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺