Dis ce que tu as déja fait - ou non.
e.g. I have already.../I have never...
Take part
in a talent show
Invent or build a machine,
for example with Lego bricks
Sing in front of an audience,
for example for your family
at Christmas
Win a competition,
or take part
in a competition
Run more than 2 kilometers
without stopping

Répondre :


. I have already.../I have never...

1-I never took part

in a talent show

2- I have already invented or built a machine,

for example with Lego bricks.

3- I have already sung in front of an audience,

for example for my family

at Christmas.

4- I have already won a competition,

or participate

in a contest.

5- I have already run more than 2 kilometers

without stopping.