Bonsoir/ bonjour pouvez vous m’aider pour mon exercice s’il vous plaît. Merci d’avance


Choose an event that happened during the Summer (not from this list!) and write 5 sentences
about it. Each sentence must answer the question.

Répondre :

Bonjour !

What? A demonstration
Where? In France
When? August, the 6th
Who? With my friend
Why? For the BLM mouvement

Tu peux faire tes 5 phrases avec ces éléments qui répondent aux questions, good luck !


Choose an event that happened during the Summer (not from this list!) and write 5 sentences about it.

Each sentence must answer the question.

an event = your penfriend came to France during summer holidays

What nationality was he ? He was American.

Where did you meet ? We met thanks to an student exchange.

When did he arrive ? He arrived mid July

Who introduced you to him ? A friend of mine knew his sister.

Why did you invite him in France ? I invited him because we get along very well


pas très imaginatif , je sais .....


Si ça ne va pas, dis-le moi ..


Bonne soirée☺☺☺