Répondre :
I see what you mean (can)
I can see what you mean
- We rest everyday. (must)
We must rest today
- You sit here. (may)
You may sit here
- She is funny. (can)
She can be funny
- You don’t do that. (can)
You can not do that
2. Transforme les phrases selon les indications entre parenthèses.
Ex : He can understand (prétérit) He could understand
- I cannot come to your party. (futur)
I will not be able to come to your party
- She must go and visit her grandma. (prétérit)
She went and visited her grandma
- It may rain. (conditionnel)
Je sais pas
- You may go to the beach. (futur)
You will go to the beach
- She can drive my car. (prétérit)
She drove my car
3. Mets à la voix passive sans le complément d’agent. Donne la traduction. Ex : They looked for her : She was looked for. On s’est occupé d’elle.
- They will look after him.
He will be looked after
- They robbed the bank.
The bank was robbed
- They have decorated the Xmas tree.
The Xmas tree got decorated
- They say the teacher is nice.
The teacher is said to be nice