6 Pose la question correspondante au prétérit.
Exemple: She phoned her parents at midnight. What time did she phone her parents?

a. Charlotte and her baby came out of hospital this morning.

b. The pretty woman gave something to Ethan.
» What
c. I didn't do gymnastics at school.
>> What sport
d. I saw Jim at the party last night.
» Who
Dans les questions,
n'ajoute surtout pas -ed
au verbe car seul l'auxiliai
est conjugué au prétérit

Répondre :




when did Charlotte and her baby come out of hospital?

what did the pretty woman give to Ethan ?

what sport do you do at school ?

who did you see at the party last night?

voilà bonne après midi

Bonjour !

Je pense que ces réponses sont bonnes :

a) When did Charlotte and her baby come out of hospital?

b) What did the pretty woman give to Ethan ?

c) What sport do you do at school ?

d) Who did you see at the party last night?

En espérant t'avoir aidé :))