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Once upon a time, there was a lady named Lucy.
She was a nurse and she was working very late at the hospital so it was really dark outside.
She was the only one in the hospital when was finished with work and she went outside to get in her car and go home but as she was driving, she saw a black car following her.
At first, she didn't think much about it and she changed directions but the car also changed directions.
Lucy did the same thing again and again but the car wouldn't stop following her so she started to feel scared but as soon as she arrived home, she ran to her front door and opened it. She locked her door in hope to be in security and looked through the window. The car that was following her was in front of her house and a man came out of it.
The man was making signs and seemed really panicked, he was pointing his finger at Lucy's car and trying to warn her of something that she wasn't avare of.
Lucy, who was confused, didn't understand what the man was trying to tell her but suddendly, a stranger came out of her own car. She was terrified and she finally understood what the man was trying to do, he was trying to save her from the stranger that was in the backseats of her car.
But her heart stopped when the stranger that came out of her car, stabbed the man in the chest and pushed him down on the floor. Lucy was in shock and suddenly screamed out of fear. She took her phone of her pocket and called 911 ( numéro de la police en amerique)
( Flemme de continuer lol je pense que tu peut faire la suite avec Google trad lol)
bref si tu n'as pas compris
c'est une fille elle est infirmière et elle travaille tard le soir .
en rentrant chez elle, elle se rend compte que ya une voiture qui suit la sienne et genre elle flippe et enfaîte elle change de direction et la voiture qui la suit fait la même chose ducoup lucy bah elle rechange de direction plusieurs fois mais la voiture est toujours entrain de la suivre et bref quand elle arrive chez elle bah elle cours a sa porte et rentre et elle ferme la porte a clé. elle regarde par le fenêtre et un homme sort de la voiture et lui fait des signe avec les mains et genre lucy elle comprend pas et la ya un homme qui sort de la voiture a lucy et elle sous le choqué mais la elle comprend que l'homme voulait la prévenir que yavait quelqu'un dans sa banquette arrière. mais la soudainement l'étranger qui était dans la voiture de lucy poignardé l'homme qui a essayer de la sauver et bref elle appelle la police etc (bref imagine la suite j'en ai marre j'ai trop écris juste pour toi lol)