- Bonjour!
- Hello, do you speak french?
- Euh... Yes!
- Okay, I'm sorry, I can't speak french enough. I hope you can understand me.
- Okay, I understand good.
- Perfect, where are you going too?
- In ze bus.
- Yes, but where are you going.
- In ez bus, after ze train, and then for two hour I go on the plane, then I take again ze bus.
- Okay. Where are you going to stay?
- Moi? I'm staying at my house.
- Oh! So you're on your way home!
- Oui, euh... Yes! I staying at my amie's house, than, I go back to my famille.
- So where are you going?
- On ze bus, me say.
L'englophone part, ennuyé.
The anglophone leaves, he's tired.
L'anglophne part, il est ennuyé.