Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider svp ?

b) Répondre aux questions suivant le modèle:

Have you seen this film ? (last year) à Yes, I have. I saw it last year.
(la seconde partie de la réponse donne une précision qui n'a pas été demandée dans la question, d'où l'emploi du prétérit).

1. Has Peter written to his uncle ? (yesterday). - 2. Have you bought the Times (this morning). - 3. Have you taken your medicine ? (before breakfast). - 4. Has John done the washing up ? (just after tea). - 5. Have you been to Ireland ? (two years ago). - 6. Have the policemen caught the murderer ? (last night). - 7. Has he shown you his pictures ? (on Sunday). - 8. Have you met Jennie ? (last week). - 9. Have you invited Bill and Ann ? (yesterday). - 10. Has Jennifer finished her work ? (an hour ago).