Répondre :
1. Complète par le composé de some, any ou no qui convient.
a. I feel stressed. I don't know anyone at this party. I want to go
b. There's something strange about him.
c. It's so hot today. Can I have something to drink, please?
d. Nobody liked it! It was awful! The music was horrible.
e. "It was sunny today. Did anyone invite you to the park?" "Well, nobody called so I didn't go.
2. Dis les phrases suivantes d'une autre façon, sans changer le sens de la phrase.
a. There isn't anybody in the streets today. = No-one is out on the streets today.
b. She ate nothing this morning. = She didn't have any breakfast this morning
c. I didn't find her anywhere in the park. = I wasn't able to find her in the park.
3. Complète avec un composé de every.
a. Everyone must be here at 8 p.m.!" "Is ready?"
b. Your room is a mess! There are clothes everywhere on the floor! else.
P.S. pardon si il y a des fautes. Vous aviez mal organisé les questions.