Bonjour vous pouvez m'aider.Remets les mots dans l'ordre. a) /to / is / going / lose / Jake / match/ the / think b) Queen /to/talk / Victoria / today! are/ we/ about / going c) think / going / be / we/ to / late /are / d) going / am/to/l/tell/ the / you / of / story / Oliver Twist e) she / to/call / is/ going / you​

Répondre :

a) Jake think is going to lose the match

b) We are going to talk about Victoria Queen today!

c) We are think going to be late.(pas sûr mais c’est l’ordre qui m’a l’air la plus logique)

d) I am going to tell you the story Oliver Twist.

e) She is going to call you.

Voilà! J’espère avoir pu t’aider.