3 Voici des titres de films :
Pour chacun d'eux, imagine l'état de la planète
(les gens, les paysages, la société tels que ces
films les montreraient).
e.g. « Meltdown » → The year is 2031,

land and sea temperatures have risen
dramatically, the icebergs have melted down...

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coucou j’espère que ca aidera:

MELTDOWN: the year is 2050. Because lf climate change and global warming, there are no more icebergs or ice caps. Antartica has disappeared, and as a result of this, polar bears, snow panthers and other animals of the cold climate are extinct. The Maldives, Amsterdam, Venice and the Philippines have all disappeared, and the sea levels have risen three metres since the year 2022. There are millions of refugees due to this meltdown.

FLOODED: It is 2375. Since 2100, it has been raining everyday, all around the planet. There has not been a minute without a raindrop for 275 years. Agriculture all around the world was ruined, and food is now grown in high placed mountain bunkers with artificial sunlight. Millions of people died from famine, or natural disasters like floods, due to the mass rainfall. Cities like Paris, New York, Hong-Kong and Dubai have been entirely flooded. The last 1 billion humans on earth now live in separated independent tribes. in mountains like the Himalayas, the Alps and in the highest mountains of America.

HURRICANE: After Hurricane Christina in 2038, Florida was completely destroyed, with not a single building left standing. This hurricane killed thousands of people, and left hundreds of thousands of homeless. The American government could not pay for all reparations, and years after this tragedy people of Florida still live in destroyed old houses hoping for a reconstruction.

voilaa c’est pas ouf mais j’espere que ca t’aide ptdrr bonne chance <33