Je dois écrire une tache finale en anglais sur l’histoire du racisme ça doit durée 5min
C’est pour lundi

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If the term “racism” appeared at the end of the 19th century, the ideas and practices to which it refers are old and are not exclusive to Western societies. The Greeks, and following them, the Romans considered that the barbarians were certainly human beings but perceived as singularly inferior. But other societies around the Mediterranean or Asian societies have also experienced forms of rejection that are similar to racism. Its development in modernity coincides with the emergence of a new individualist ideology, to use the analyzes of L. Dumont (1966): “The simplest hypothesis consists in supposing that racism responds, in a new form, to an old function. Everything happens as if it represented, in egalitarian societies, a resurgence of what was expressed differently, more directly, in hierarchical society. Make the distinction illegitimate, and you have the distinction, remove the old patterns of distinction, and you have the racist ideology”