Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez pour cet exercice svp
Il faut mettre soit Who soit Which

14. Do you know Victor............ plays Soccer?

15. I am listening to the new CD................ I got for Christmas

16. This is the girl............ asked to borrow 500 dollars from my father.

17. I have a horse.................. I got from my granddad.

18. This is Mrs Hansen................ is my Music teacher.

19. I have a puppy............. has got sharp teeth.

20. The man,........... is living next door, has got visitors from the USA.

21. I like the dinner............. we had last night.

22. Can you think of a person............. has cheated?

23. This is the car.......... has had its tires changed

24. A man,................ shot a horse, was jailed yesterday. .

25. Her youngest son,............. was born in 1995, has gone to America.

26. I have seen bad examples........... has scared me.

27. Monkeys,............... live in freedom, have shorter lives.

28. This is the best thing............ bas happened to me. ich he ne in as​