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Réponse :
Date de naiossance : 1981
Nombre d'album 10
Au total elle sait fait 17 millions
Elle a reçu 529 "awards"
Son debut de carrière/debut de son succès : 1997
Son influence sur le hip hop : ya marqué "promotion du feminisme utilisé dans la video pour accompagné la musique"
Explications : Just c marquer dans le petit truc a droite tu resume tous ça dans un texte et c bon
Beyonce is an American artist born in 1981, she has made 10 albums, in all she has cashed 17 million, she has received 529 awards we can say that her beginning of success was in 1997
The influence she had on hip hop is the promotion of feminism used in the video to accompany the music
The influence she had on hip hop is the promotion of feminism used in the video to accompany the music