Bonsoir, vous pouvez m aider pour cet exercice s'il vous plaît car c'est pour demain

1/Correct the mistakes and explain your correction.

1. If I was a president I will focus on education first.
2. What would you did if you become an economics minister?
3. Where will you go if you were a candidate to immigation ?
4. If wendy can she would stay with the kids in Wonderland.
5. Some colons in America would go west if they have enough money.​

Répondre :


Réponse :

1. If I were a president I would focus on education first. 

( Si j'étais président, je me concentrerais d'abord sur l'éducation.)

2. What would you do if you became an economics minister? 

( Que feriez-vous si vous deveniez ministre de l'Economie ?)

3. Where would you go if you were a candidate to immigration ?

(Où iriez-vous si vous étiez candidat à l'immigration ? ) 

4. If Wendy could she would stay with the kids in Wonderland. 

(Si Wendy le pouvait, elle resterait avec les enfants au pays des merveilles.)

5. Some colons in America would go west if they had enough money.​

( Certains colons en Amérique iraient vers l'ouest s'ils avaient assez d'argent. )

Explications :

2nd conditional :

if + prétérit modal // would + base verbale.

L'exercice ne précise pas quel conditionnel il faut employer. J'ai utilisé le "2nd conditional"

Les phrases 4 et 5 peuvent auraient plus de sens au "3rd conditional":

if + past perfect // would have + participe passé

4. If Wendy could she would stay with the kids in Wonderland. 

If Wendy had been able to, she would have stayed with the kids in Wonderland.

( Si Wendy avait pu, elle serait restée avec les enfants au pays des merveilles. )

5. Some colons in America would go west if they had enough money.​

Some colons in America would have gone west if they had had enough money.

( Certains colons en Amérique seraient partis vers l'ouest s'ils avaient eu assez d'argent. )