deux petits exercices que je n’ai pas trop compris (je suis nulle aidez moi)

Deux Petits Exercices Que Je Nai Pas Trop Compris Je Suis Nulle Aidez Moi class=

Répondre :

a) Slavery was first described as a “peculiar institution” by J.C, in 1830

b)slaves were shipped from Africa to the USA

c)Their first African-American president was elected by the Americans in 2008

d) Many people were inspired by Harriet Tubman’s courage.

Voilà pour la première partie la suite arrive bientôt !


Voici l'exercice 4

Explications :

a) Slaves were transported in boats.

b) An exhibition will be proposed on the heritage of slaves.

c) Slavery was abolished over 150 years ago.

d) The gaspel is inspired by the songs of the slaves.

Bonne journée ;)