Au style indirect : ask if
style direct à l'impératif > style indirect : infinitif (to)
2- Mets ces phrases au style direct.
a- Sleeping Beauty asked the Prince if he had brushed his teeth before kissing her.
b- Snow White told her nasty stepmother she was ugly as sin.
c- Fiona declared she wouldn't live with Shrek if he kept scaring people.
d-Jack asked Rose if she could swim.
e-He added that, as there was just one lifejacket, he would take it.
Je comprends r vous pouvez m’aider svp je comprend rien

Répondre :


Réponse :

a- Sleeping Beauty asked the Prince if he had brushed his teeth before kissing her.

La Belle au Bois Dormant a demandé au Prince s'il s'était brossé les dents avant de l'embrasser.

Sleeping Beauty asked the Prince : " Did you brush your teeth before kissing me? "

La Belle au Bois Dormant demanda au Prince : " Tu t'es brossé les dents avant de m'embrasser ?

b- Snow White told her nasty stepmother she was ugly as sin.

Snow White told her nasty stepmother : " You are ugly as sin. "

c- Fiona declared she wouldn't live with Shrek if he kept scaring people.

Fiona declared : " I won't live with Srek if he keeps scaring people."

d-Jack asked Rose if she could swim.

Jack asked Rose: " Can you swim?"

e-He added that, as there was just one lifejacket, he would take it.

He added : " As there is just one lifejacket, I will take it."

Explications :

Comme en français, il faut faire attention aux changements de pronoms et de temps lorsque l'on passe du style indirect au style direct.

N'hésite pas si tu as des questions.
