Bonjour, j'ai un exo d'anglais sur Les phrases en if et les subordonnées de condition ●

Conjuguez les verbes entre parenthèses avec will ou would (attention parfois il s’agit de would + have V-en).

Don’t miss the new series Underground! Whether you are interested in history or not, I am certain you ______
(enjoy) this series! If you follow the characters, you ________
(see) what the life of a runaway slave was like. Looking back, what ____________
(happen) if emancipated slaves such as Harriet Tubman had not gone back South? ________
that many slaves __________________
(save)? How many more slaves __________
(die)? To conclude, it is a well-known fact that history repeats itself; what _________
you ______
(do) if you were faced with such choices? __________
you ______
(stand up) for justice or _______
you _______
(be) too scared? Who knows what ___________
(happen) unless this human chain of solidarity had existed. Let us pay tribute to these men and women who stood up for justice at the risk of their lives!

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je dirais :

- would enjoy

- will see

- would have happened

- would (...) have been saved

- would have died

- would you do

- would you stand up

- would you be

- will happen