j'aurais besoin d'aide svp
Merci d'avance ​

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin Daide Svp Merci Davance class=

Répondre :



1 & 2  sont déjà faites

3- The people we met at the party were really nice. (who n'est pas indispensable)

4- The people who work in the office are very friendly. (indispensable)

5- The people I talked to are very friendly. (who n'est pas indispensable)

6- What have you done with the money I gave you ? (that n'est pas indispensable)

7- What have you done with the money that was on the table ?(indispensable)

8- It was the worst film I ever seen. (that pas indispensable)

9- It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. (indispensable)

La règle est assez simple ==>

on peut ne pas mettre de pronoms relatifs si la proposition relative commence par un sujet (je les ai soulignés dans les phrases où je les ai enlevés).

Si elle commence par un verbe, alors il faut mettre le pronom relatif.



1- fait

2- I like the dress Ann is wearing.

3- The museum we wanted to visit was shut when we got there.

4- What's the name of the film you're going to see ?

5- Some of the people I invited to the party couldn't come.

6- Have you finished the work you had to do ?

7- The car we hired broke down after a few miles.

8- We stayed at a hotel Tom recommended to us.

de nouveau la règle s'applique, puisque à chaque pronom relatif que l'on aurait pu mettre, il serait suivi d'un sujet



1- fait

2- Unfortunately we couldn't come to the wedding we were invited to.

3- I enjoy my job. I like the people I work with.

4- What's the name of that hotel you told me about ?

5- The party we went to last night wasn't very enjoyable.

6- I didn't get the job I applied for.

7- George is a good person to know. He's somebody you can rely on.

8- Who was that man I saw you with in the restaurant?

toujours même règle. Un sujet suit l'éventuel pronom relatif que l'on aurait pu mettre donc, pas la peine...


EXO 4 je continue à souligner les sujets des relatives quand c'est possible. => implique pronom relatif "that" entre (...) quand il n'est pas indispensable

1- fait

2- They give their children everything (that) they want.

3- Tell me what you want and I'll try to get it for you.

4- Why do you blame me for everything that goes wrong ?

5- I won't be able to do much but I'll do the best (that) I can.

6- I can only lend you ten pounds. It's all (that) I've got.

7- I don't agree with what you've just said.

8- I don't trust him. I don't believe anything (that) he says.


bonne soirée ☺☺☺