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Heard that this girl got a tattoo
Last year, some pupils told lies about me and posted some comments on a social network It ruined my schoolyear. I was sad and lonely.
When Bart was a 7th grader, an 8th grader. rumour about him. But the other students started realized that he made things up. Nobody propagated the rumour.
Daisy and Ginger., was the victims of a rumour last year. They felt devastated and they cried a lot.
Rules for the past simple (Les régles du "past simple"):
Irregular verbs => second colum (Verbes irréguliers => deuxième colonne du tableau)
Regular verbs => add "ed" at the end of the verb except if it ends by y you remplace "y" by "i" (verbes réguliers => Rajouter ed à la fin du verbe sauf s'il termine par un y, remplacer le y par i)
(cry => cried)
Réponse :
alors si le passé simple c'est le prétérit normalement les réponses sont les suivantes j'espère pouvoir t'aider (hear) heard
(get) got
ruin ruined
be was
be was
start started
realize realized
make made
be was
feel felt