bonjour svp quelqu'un peut maider svp : English homework : My birthday party
Sujet : A partir du travail fait en classe, realise une affiche
d'anniversaire .
Présente ton âge / ta date d'anniversaire .
Dis quel type de fête tu aimerais organiser ( theme, lieu, nombre
d'invités )
Parle des activités que tu as l'intention de proposer.
Explique ce que tu vas acheter ou préparer, ce que les invités
pourraient apporter ou faire pour t'aider
Illustre ton affiche avec des dessins et / ou un carton d’ invitation
(cf modèle en P.J) .
Utlise would like to/ could / be going to, les quantifieurs , le lexique
de la fête
My birthday party
Name / age / date of birth (livre p 141)
I was born on the tenth of August.
My birthday is on August, 10th
Theme : a costume party / a magic birthday party /a beach party /a
Hollywood party / a Harry Potter dinner party / a superher
Place / Venue
Guests (identity or number)
Fun activities : a dance contest / a treasure h

Répondre :

Hello!! My name is ... and I would like to invite you to my super costume party!!

I'm born the (date d'anniv) and I would love it if you could attend this party. Of course, seeing how it is a costume party, you have to be wearing a costume... The party will be in (adresse) and they will be many activities, specifically 4 activities to have fun on such a special day. We will be playing darts (fleches),  8 ball pool (billard),a dance contest and a treasure quest that will take placeat the end of the day. It would be wonderful if you could bring your brothers or sisters, the more we are, the more fun we have! I assure you, we'll be having a great time. So why not come?!

P-S : call the (numéro) for more info.