Bonjour p, j'ai besoin d'aide. Je suis sensé écrire un dialogue entre 3 personnes : 2 se connaisse et l'une des deux lui présente la nouvelle. Quelle question devons nous posez chacune (en anglais le texte)

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combien de questions ?
sinon je peux t’écrire ça :(j’ai inventé des prénoms) c=chloé a=ambre l=lola

l-hey chloé!
c-hi lola ! this is my friend ambre
a- hey i’m chloé’s friend nice to meet you lola
l- i’m happy to meet you too! where are you from ?
a- i’m from chicago like chloé
c- yeah we used to be in the same school for more than 5 years !
l- oh that’s really cool and how do you know each others ?
a- well our parents work together and you how do you know chloé ?
l- we are cousins and we are really close so she became a friend to me
c-lola tell her more about you !
l- okay so i’m a dancer for 5 years now i do piano too and i’m really good at history what about you ambre ?
a-well i play basket-ball and i used to play violin
c- we take our violin class together actually
a- yes it was really cool !
l- oh why did you stop ?
a- because i need to focus on basket-ball
l- okay cool !
c- that was nice guys ! i hope you enjoy beeing here with me
a-it was so nice !
l-yes, see you later chloé ! and ambre i hope i can see you as soon as possible
a-me too you’re so friendly!