Bonsoir, pouvez m'aider à l'exercice 1 s'il vous plait et
en bas à gauche il y a marqué They.

Bonsoir Pouvez Maider À Lexercice 1 Sil Vous Plait Et En Bas À Gauche Il Y A Marqué They class=

Répondre :


Exo 1

Il faut faire des phrases en tenant compte que c'est un dimanche.

1- I wasn't at school

2- My cousin was at the hospital.

3- My grandmother at home.

4- My best friend was at a picnic party.

5- My parents weren't at work.

6- They were at a restaurant.

Il faut surtout faire attention aux compléments "at school" et "at work" qui doivent aller avec les deux négations puisque c'est dimanche...


Exo 2

There was a big party...

There were 4000 people...

Children were very happy.

There was some funny music.

There were many cars

There was a Christmas tree..

Barack Obama was with Michelle...


Bonne journée