bonjour j'ai fait un travaille sur un auro scope en Anglai est t'il possible que vois me corriger si nécessaire et me rajouter qu'elle que mot / frase pour plus de ligne merci le travaille:

The Taurus ♉

your profile:

You're kind, smart, trustworthy and just


1)you will be a little lost during 2 or 3 days but you will be happy after due to spend time with your friends.

2)you will have good grades and be a smart person but keep attention you will have a surprise test in history !

3) You will be proud of you due to an achievement

Prediction + conseil:

You will be lucky because of an extraordinary event that will take place on Wednesday. You will spend a lot of time with your family. You should be kind to they and they will love You even more and you shouldn't be moody.

Répondre :

Réponse :

your profile: "just" in English is not the same as in French. ("Just" en anglais n'est pas la meme que en francais, en anglais tu pourrais dire que The Taurus est "straight-forward".)


1) you will be happy after, because you spent time with your friends.

3) You will be proud of yourself because you've done an achievement.


You will be lucky because of an extraordinary event that will take place on Wednesday. You'll spend a lot of time with your your family; you should be kind to them and they will return the favor. You don't need to be as moody, however, emotions are normal and valid. Express yourself in a more positive way.

Bonjour! Je vais te corriger et réécrire ton travail un petit peu et expliquer tes erreurs :

Taurus (le “the” n’est pas nécessaire ici)

Your profile : you are kind, smart, trustworthy and fair

(en supposant que tu essayais de dire que le Taureau est juste — dans sa façon d’agir, pensée etc. — la traduction correcte serait “fair” et non “just”)

Emotions :

• You might/could (“will” est également correcte, ce n’est qu’une préférence) be a little lost during 2 or 3 days, but you will be happier after spending time (ou hanging out) with your friend

(ici, je supprime le “due” car tu dis “tu seras heureux après en raison de passer du temps avec vos amis”, alors j’ai dû changer y’a phrase pour qu’elle reste grammaticalement correcte)

• You will have a good grades and be a smart person but stay on your guard because you will have a surprise history test!

(“keep attention” ne se dit pas vraiment en anglais — stay on your guard = reste sur t’es guardes)

• You will be proud of you due to an achievement (cette phrase est correcte!)

Prediction + advice (si tu souhaite mettre ta phrase en anglais) :

You will be lucky because of an extraordinary
event that will take place on wednesday. You will spend a lot of time with your family. You should try to be kind to them (they = ils / them = eux) and they will love you even more. Try to not be moody!

Voilà, j’espère avoir aider! L’idée globale est bonne, bonne chance ;)