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Mohammad Ali devient comme un des plus grand boxeur du monde il a était entraîné par Angélo dundee. Le 2 octobre 1980 il affronte Larry Holmes à Las Vegas le bute de se combat est de stopper Holmes et sa série de 35 victoires pour aucune défaite.Ce soir-là Holmes va remporter le combat contre Ali jusqu’au 10 eme round,dans la salle il y’avait le jeune boxeur mike Tyson âgé de 14 ans énervé de voir sont idole perdre il lui fait une promesse de ce vanger et devenir champion du monde et sa promesse ce réalisera. En 1981 Mohammad Ali annonce la fin de sa carrière,3 ans plus tard il est atteint de la maladie Parkinson. Il allume la flamme olympique d’un bras tremblant à cause de la maladie de Parkinson en 1996 pour les jeux olympiques de atlanta muhammad Ali meurt le 3 juin 2016 à Scottsdale en Arizona a l’âge de 74 ans​

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Mohammad Ali becomes as one of the greatest boxer in the world. He was trained by Angelo Dundee. On October 2, 1980 he confronted Larry Holmes in Las Vegas, the goal of this fight is to stop Holmes and his serie of 35 wins for no defeat. On that evening Holmes is going to win the fight against Ali until the [tex]10^{th}[/tex] round.  In the sports hall there was the young boxer Mike Tyson, 14 years old, angry to see his idol lose. He makes a promise to him to take revenge and become world champion and his promise will come true. In 1981 Mohammad Ali announced the end of his career, 3 years later he was affected by parkinson's disease. he lights the Olympic flame with an arm shaking from parkinson's disease in 1996 for the Atlanta Olympics. Mohammad Ali died on June 3, 2016 in Scottsdale, Arizona at the age of 74.