bonjour je dois faire un texte pour demain expliquant à un enfant anglais arrivant en France le règlement intérieur pas forcément que des vrais règles du règlement (elles peuvent être fausse)(ex on mange McDo tout les midis). ce texte doit être en anglais bien sûr et dois comporter au moins 120 mots.Merci.​

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Réponse :

Hello, welcome

I'll tell you what we do at home:

First we wake up around 6 a.m.

After woke up we get ready, we lunch,we dressed up

And we go to school.

In school, the rules are strict

We must be work,we must not talk...

If we talk,we take each other warning

In school we should not run into corridor,do stupid thing.

We are not allowed to go to restroom into a class..

Yes that's strict but it's my school :)

After studying around 12 p.m. we eat McDo that's very delicious!

Once we have eaten we go to sport class for 2hours.

And after sport the day was finisht; we're going to home.

And i almost forgot WE MUST DO US HOMEWORK or we are severely punished so it's better to do it.

After do homework we dîne and i go to sleep.

Explications :