Bonjours je n'y arrive pas
5 Quel futur ? Choisis la forme verbale qui convient. Parfois, les deux sont correctes. a. We will win / are winning the game. We always do. b. Hannah attends / is going to attend the football match next month. c. The school bus is arriving / arrives at 5 pm. d. What do you do / are you going to do when you graduate?
Merci de l'aide​

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Bonjour pour la première c’est « will win » la deuxième c’est « Hannah is going to attend the football …. » la 3 « The school bus is arriving » ensuite « What are you going …. »
Bonjour ! D'après mes connaisences en anglais:
1. We will win
2. Is going to attend the football next month.
3. The school bus is arriving.
4. Are you going to do when you graduate