Répondre :
Bonjour ! je ne sais pas combien de lignes doit faire te redac mais si g bien compris c'est un peu comme si tu répondais a des questions sur te vie durant une interview ?
en tt cas voila un début :
(Hi everybody ! I am ...... . I'm here today to speak you about my everyday's life ! )
I'am going to the gym every morning . after that, i always drink a detox tea and I sometimes eat scones.
after that, I often read or practise my scenes .
after lunch, I rarely eat desert .
then, I 'm going to the studio to work .
I never have snacks ! itsn't healthy .
after my work day, I occasionaly do shopping .
When i don't work, i often travel .
Finaly , I often eat salad at dinner .