Répondre :
1- Alice looks so sad.
2- Marcus is looking for his watch.
3- This lasagna tastes delicious !
4- She is tasting the soup, to see if it needs salt.
5- This sweater feels so soft.
6- David is feeling unwell at the moment.
7- I think she is really beautiful.
8- I am thinking of going to the USA.
9- My friend has two cars.
10- He is having breakfast now.
Le présent simple pour des faits, des habitudes.
Le présent progressif pour des actions en cours...
1- This party is so boring, lets go home.
2- I'm so excited...
3- It is so annoying.
4- She was so surprised....
5- The film was really thrilling.
6- My parents are satisfied with...
7- I was shocked when ...
8- It was so disapointing when they lost the game.
9- This situation is a bit confusing. > La situation est un peu déroutante.
This situation is a bit confused. > La situation est un peu confuse.
Le sens est légèrement différent. Tout dépend du contexte.
10- I am so exhausted I can't even....
Bonne journée