Répondre :
Good morning, this is my comment ;) :
I think that's very very good ! I'm impressed ! Well done ! It's good to do a labor party night in 40 years ago.
There was a time when people were free to neglect sanitation so that thousands died of preventable diseases. This it's dangerous.
30 great adventure which will demand the same high qualities as those shown in the war: the adventure of civilisation it's good.
We have to plan the broad lines of our national life so that all may have the duty and the opportunity of rendering service to the nation, everyone in his or her sphere, and 40 that all may help to create and share in an increasing material prosperity free from the fear of want. We have to preserve and enhance the beauty of our country to make it a place where men and women may live finely and happily, free to worship God in their own way, free to speak their minds, free citizens of a great country it's good too.