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EXERCICE D'APPILICATION : dans le texte ci-joint, mettre les phrases soulignées au passif.
Exemple avec la première phrase "Everybody knows Batman" = Tout le monde connait Batman.
Cela va donner : Batman est connu de tout le monde = Batman is known by everybody.

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maidez Svp REFEXIONS GRAMMATICALES LE PASSIF EXERCICE DAPPILICATION Dans Le Texte Cijoint Mettre Les Phrases Soulignées Au Passif Exemple Av class=

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On voit à peine la phrase du dessus...

....the viewer is impressed by Batman with his black suit.

The name  "Batman" isn't written by the creator of the poster because it is unnecessary.

Frequently Batman is opposed to the Joker by the director. We quickly understand the Joker is the vilain and Gotham City is attacked by him and Batman is the superheroe and the world is saved by him.


Bonne journée☺☺☺