Bonjour j'ai un devoir en anglais si quelqu'un peut m'aider sur mon devoir je serais très reconnaissable.
Le devoir est le suivant :
Make an oral presentation to explain your relationship to sport. It should comprise the following topics:
-an introduction mentioning your favorite sport: My favorite sport is … / The sport I like best is… / I’m crazy about…
-how you discovered this sport
-the reasons why you enjoy watching or practicing this sport (feelings it arouses in you, sports(wo)men you admire, skills and
qualities it has enabled you to develop… / a way to keep fit, …)
-a sentence of conclusion
Use link words to structure your production properly:
→ To add a new idea: Besides / Moreover / In addition
→ To justify your point: Indeed – …, because… – Since = As… – Consequently / Therefore / That’s why
→ To conclude: As a conclusion / To conclude
 Use structures of taste and opinion to justify your point.