Bonjours j'aurais besoin d'aide pour un exercice d'anglais SVP.

Trouve pour chaque fin de phrase une fin logique en utilisant obligatoirement USED TO.
1) When I was baby, I......
2) Before getting married, my father....
3) When she was a little girl, my mother....
4) Before the phone was invented, people....
5) In France, before 1945, women....
6) Before television was invented, people....
7) In 1789, most children....
8) Before the euro, people in France....

Merci de votre aide à l'avance.

Répondre :


1) When I was baby I used to never listen to my parents.

2) Before getting married, my father used to go out with his friends.

3) When she was a little girl, my mother used to never brush her teeth.

4) Before the phone was invented, people used to go outside more often. ( Phrase de boomers mais j'ai pas trouvé autre chose ).

5) In France before 1945, women used to be regularly arrested.

6) Before television was invented, people used to read the newspaper to know the information.

7) In 1789, most children used to work very hard.

8) Before the euro, people in France used to pay with franc.

J'espère que ma réponse t'auras aidé, si c'est le cas je serai content si tu me designais en tant que meilleure réponse, bonne soirée.