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Réponse :
Characters are: Oliver, mother, doctor, old woman, master, M Bumble
6 characters
Oliver's mother died, leaving Oliver orphaned. He was brought to a orphanage with other orphans, and then to a workhouse.
Le workhouse est un hospice pour les pauvres.
Workhouse conditions are terrible ; nourishment is insufficient, the master is cruel, hard labor (usually), etc...
In a workhouse, the children woke up at dawn. Then, while the air was still bleak and cold, they ate thin gruel at the dining tables. They were set to various tasks and chores all through the daylight hours, stopping only to take the midday meal. In the afternoon, they worked until dark, breaking rocks and picking ropes. When the sky was filled with shadow and light was scarce, the children returned to the tables for their meagre supper. Worn from their day's labor, they were dropping from sleep soon afterwards...
Explications :
Oliver Twist est un livre que j'ai lu il y a longtemps... Je me souviens à peine des détails alors ma réponse n'est peut-etre pas exacte (pour le 5).