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Réponse :
This document is a drawing painted by Norman Rockwell. The illustration represents a marital dispute. In the middle, we can see a couple sitting around a table arguing over a newspaper. In the bottom left-hand corner, a baby is crying because of his parent's screams, he holds his teddy bear in his arms. On the right, we can see a dog, his attention is focused on the couple. The scene takes place in a dining room.
I suppose that the dispute is about an electoral vote, the man wants to impose his political opinion but his wife doesn't agree.
I find the document interesting because it highlights the inequality between men and women at the time.
To conclude, we can say that Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce this inequality
Explications : Bonjour, afin de t'aider dans tes prochaines descriptions d'image, voici quelques tips qui pourront t'être utile :
1) identifier le document : This document is ... (a photography, a drawing, a comic strip, ...), It comes from..., It was published in ...
2) Décrire le document : Commencer toujours par décrire ce qui est le plus évident (Who,When,What,Where)
La composition : It is composed of...
La localisation : The scene takes place in ...
3) Analyser le document : The autor informs / I suppose that ...
4) Opinion personnelle : I agree with the author / I disagree with the author
5/ Conclusion : To conclude, we can say that...