Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider pour mon devoir en anglais c'est exercise 1 et 2 à faire

pour une action passée, terminée et datée.
pour une action débutée dans le passé mais qui a un lien avec le présent
ou encore un passé tout proche : I've broken the window...
Toujours avec les adverbes "ever", "just", "already", "yet" etc....
J'essaie de souligner les indicateurs qui font choisir le temps correct...
1- Did you clean your car yesterday ?
2- We played baseball when we were in Boston.
3- Have you ever listened to Beethoven's 11th Symphony.
4- I have written a long letter to my uncle who lives in Los Angeles.
5- This morning at ten I met Bill and his girlfriend in the streets.
6- Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. (il y a longtemps, preterit)
7- I'm sure I've never met you. (présent dans I'm sure)
8- Look! I've finished my paintings.
9- Did you enjoy the film last night ?
10- I haven't understood what he said.
1- Racine lived in the 17th century.
2- I read my book for half an hour, then I went to sleep.
3- Shakespeare died in 1616.
4- Has the film begun yet ?
5- Have you ever swum across the English Channel ?
6- We had dinner at nine o'clock last Wednesday.
7- I'm sorry but I haven't understood anything. Could you repeat, please.
8- He missed his train because he arrived too late.
9- The sun has risen . Wake up and get up !
10- Mum! I've made my bed. Can I go out with Mike now ?
bonne journée ☺☺☺