devoir en anglais aidez moi s'il vous plaît merci beaucoup suis nul en anglais.
je dois imaginer et écrire en anglais une histoire sur quelque chose d'étrange d'effrayant ou de stupide qui vous est arrivé en Australie réel ou pas.

a) lieu: plage ou désert.... b) raconter ce que je faisais à ce moment là
c) imaginer ce qui m'est arrivé et la réaction que j'ai eu.​

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Last summer; I was at the beach in Australia.

I watched Small waves crash heavily on the beach, where the sand is light, white and covered in small seashells of all shapes and sizes. Sailboats can be seen on the horizon floating calmly on the water. We feel a pleasant breeze of light air, a smell of fresh air brought in by the sea.

suddenly I saw an animal resembling a dinosaur. I had goosebumps; and I started to scream.

It was just a guana, which is a type of large lizard, typically found in Australia and Southeast Asia.

I found out when all the people on the beach started laughing.

I was embarrassed!

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