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Hello, voici les exercices avec les phrases
Explications :
A) Forme le comparatif des adjectifs entre parenthèses en tenant compte des signes (+ supériorité / -
infériorité / = égalité)
1. This actor is more talented than that one. (+ talented)
2. Twilight is more popular than The Lord of the ring. ( + popular)
3. Happy Feet is funnier than Madagascar III. ( + funny)
4. Bruce Willis is older than Ben Affleck. ( + old)
5. Sci fi movies are less frightening than horror movies. ( - frightening)
6. King Kong is even bigger in the new movie. (+ big)
7. Jude Law is as attractive as Leonardo Di Caprio. ( = attractive)
8. Hollywood is further than Los Angeles from here. ( + far)
B) Forme le superlatif des adjectifs entre parenthèses.
1. Skyfall is the most fascinating James Bond. ( + fascinating)
2. Jim Carrey is the best humorous actor. ( + good)
3. Ghost is the saddest movie I have ever seen! (+ sad)
4. This is the less interesting episode of the series. (- interesting)
5. Robert Pattinson is the most romantic vampire. ( +romantic)
6. Kristen Stewart is the prettiest actress in this movie. ( + pretty)
7. What is the worst film you have ever seen? (+ bad)
8. Titanic is the longest movie I have ever seen. ( + long)