Bonjour, qui peut me traduire sa en Anglais SANS SITE DE TRADUCTION svp MERCI A VOUS :
l'acidification des océans : le CO2 excédentaire se dissout en effet dans les autres surfaces et les rend plus acides. La rapidité de ce phénomène est inédite depuis 300 000 000 d’années. Les scientifiques ignorent les effets à venir. Les coquillages et certains plancton qui constituent le socle de la chaîne alimentaire pourrais ne pas pouvoir si adapter. Leurs disparition aurait un impact direct sur l'ensemble des espèces, y compris les humains.

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Réponse :

Ocean acidification: surplus CO2 dissolves in other surfaces and makes them more acidic. The speed of this phenomenon has been unprecedented for 300,000,000 years. Scientists are unaware of future effects. Shellfish and some plankton that form the bedrock of the food chain may not be able to adapt so. Their disappearance would have a direct impact on all species, including humans.

Bonjour ,

voici ma réponse :

ocean acidification: the excess CO2 dissolves in other surfaces and makes them more acidic. The speed of this phenomenon has been unprecedented for 300,000,000 years. Scientists ignore the effects to come. The shells and certain plankton which constitute the base of the food chain could not be able to adapt so. Their disappearance would have a direct impact on all species, including humans.

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