Bonjour, pouvais vous m'aider avec un essay en anglais c'est si j'ai Gagne 1 million € Ques'que je vait faire, par des etapes (1erement, 2eme,3eme)
S'il vous plait aider moi et merci d'avance

Répondre :

Réponse :

If I won 1 million euros, I would try and spend it wisely. First of all I would buy a new house in a nice district for my parents, as I am gratefull for all the things that they did for me during my childhood. After I would buy myself a car as the car I have now is pretty old, and is probably going to break down soon. Finally if I won 1 million euros I would buy first class tickets to Hawaii for a nice family holiday in a nice hotel. Hopefully it would be a holiday that my family would never forget! With the rest of the money, I would give to different charities to try and help people and animals.

Explications :

J'espere que cela t'aura aidé(e), mais avant de demender la reponse cherche quel que idee qui t'aurait plus, meme si tu n'aurait pas ete capable de les developper en Anglais. Cela m'aurait aider a savoir ce que tu aimes et ce que tu aurait aimé(e) dire...