Répondre :
Réponse :bonjour!
the chosen woman is my best friend
I have a friendly bond with her
she is 14 years old
She was born on ..
Her name is...
she is studying at the college of ...
j'espère que cela aidera!
Je ne connais pas le contexte alors c'est un peu difficile...
The woman I chose is my best friend..
We have a friendly relationship
She is 14 years old
She is born on (si c'est une date...on May, the 3rd / the 14 th, 20?? par exemple...)
Her name is..
She studies at ,xxx medium school/ ou/middle school.
( collège = medium school / lycée = high school // fac ou université = collège ou université)
J'ai laissé woman / femme au début...
Bonne soirée